You ask about Venus Tightening Pills, We answer (III)
Q: I know your Curcuma comosa
helps in wall prolapse but how about if their wall prolapse is third prolapse
which their uterus came out from their vagina not all came out but part or
quarter of it. I do not want to see a doctor.
Common factors that may cause a vaginal prolapse includes:
1. Childbirth especially multiple births
2. Menopause: Estrogen is a hormone that helps keep the muscles and tissues of the pelvic support structure strong. After menopause, the estrogen level decreases, meaning that the support structures may weaken.
3. Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus. Without the uterus, the top of the vagina may gradually fall toward the vaginal opening, so-called a vaginal vault prolapse.
I would recommend both Pueraria mirifica herbs with high phytoestrogenic effects which give high natural estrogen (and that not cause cancer) and Curcuma comosa tightening effects,
Our Venus Curcuma comosa formula definitely helps tighten the uterus muscles too.
Depending on your prolapse conditions, you may take higher dose rather than 4 pills per day - maybe 6-10 pills per day. Curcuma comosa is well known to help tighten the uterus as well, not only the vaginal wall muscles.
Good luck.
Common factors that may cause a vaginal prolapse includes:
1. Childbirth especially multiple births
2. Menopause: Estrogen is a hormone that helps keep the muscles and tissues of the pelvic support structure strong. After menopause, the estrogen level decreases, meaning that the support structures may weaken.
3. Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus. Without the uterus, the top of the vagina may gradually fall toward the vaginal opening, so-called a vaginal vault prolapse.
I would recommend both Pueraria mirifica herbs with high phytoestrogenic effects which give high natural estrogen (and that not cause cancer) and Curcuma comosa tightening effects,
Our Venus Curcuma comosa formula definitely helps tighten the uterus muscles too.
Depending on your prolapse conditions, you may take higher dose rather than 4 pills per day - maybe 6-10 pills per day. Curcuma comosa is well known to help tighten the uterus as well, not only the vaginal wall muscles.
Good luck.
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