Saturday, October 12, 2013

Here is a feedback from our long time customer who take both Venus vaginal tightening pills and Regina Pueraria mirifica breast enhancement pills. 
This is to prove how genuine herbs species work. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A feedback from a mother of six children. Marie has consumed Venus Curcuma Tightening Pills and Regina Pueraria mirifica enhancement pills for over a year now.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Venus Curcuma comosa Tightening formula

Q: I know your Curcuma comosa helps in wall prolapse but how about if their wall prolapse is third prolapse which their uterus came out from their vagina not all came out but part or quarter of it. I do not want to see a doctor.
A: PureBreastHerbs: Common factors that may cause a vaginal prolapse includes:

Childbirth especially multiple births

Menopause: Estrogen is a hormone that helps keep the muscles and tissues of the pelvic support structure strong. After menopause, the estrogen level decreases, meaning that the support structures may weaken.

Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus. Without the uterus, the top of the vagina may gradually fall toward the vaginal opening, so-called a vaginal vault prolapse.

I would recommend both Pueraria mirifica which give high natural estrogen (and that not cause cancer) and Curcuma comosa, our Curcuma comosa formula definitely helps tighten the uterus muscles too. Depending on your prolapse conditions, you may take higher dose rather than 4 pills per day - maybe 6-10 pills per day. Curcuma comosa is well known to help tighten the uterus as well, not only the vaginal wall muscles.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Venus Curcuma comosa vaginal tightening pills - clinically proved !!
One bottle contains 60 capsules.
400 mg per capsule
Indications: Tighten firmly the vaginal wall prolapse. Help clean discharge and bad smell at genital area. Help relieve vaginal dryness, hot flashes, easing menstrual pain and cramping.   
It is also suitable for women after childbirth because the herb formula serves to tighten firmly the uterus (womb) to its nonpregnant size. Curcuma comosa does not effect breast milk supply.  
Direction: Daily dose of 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening.  
Improvement can be noticed after 1-2 bottles. Recommeded for daily supplement to keep the effects.  
Precautions: Do not use in pregnancy.
Side effects: Neither significant side effects, nor apparent toxicity are reported. The herbs are very safe as there has a long story of consumption records among Thai and Asian women for many decades and due to the fact that it is 100% natural herbs.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

New feedback from a customer who has been used Venus Tightening pills

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 6:01 AM
Subject: Venus Herbs

Dear Ivy,

Thank you for sharing the testimony with me.  I am doing okay, and I continue to take the Venus herbs.  It definitely helps my menstrual cramps, and I am beginning to feel a difference in my uterus muscles returning to a non pregnancy state.  I have had five vaginal births, so I don't know if it takes longer.  But I will continue to take them the remaining of the year to look for more progress.  October will be a year since beginning them.

Again, thank you for checking in with me, and let's keep in touch.

Best regards,

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A message from one customer, after a bottle of Venus Curcuma tightening pills.


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:51:20 -0700
Subject: Re: Customer inquiry

Dear Madam Ivy,

Thank you for the reply, in my next order i will include it, anyway i see the result of curcuma it really work.

In the next day i will order again before i finish the bottle. and i will email

Thank you!

From: PURE Miracle Herbs <>
To: mxxxx xxxxxx <>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 1:41 PM
Subject: RE: Customer inquiry

Dear Ms.Mxxxx,

Thank you for your kind message.

There is no conflict to take Regina Pueraria herb in breast surgery, this herb will help make you have even more feminine shape.

How is it going with the Venus pills? Do you notice any improvement yet?

Thanking you.

Best regards,

Ivy Porntip Ting,
Hot line + 66 839 0 859 09
It is all about NATURAL...


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 01:55:51 -0700
Subject: Re: Customer inquiry

Dear Madam Ivy,

Hi, good day how are you?its me again mxxxx in dubai.

I would like to ask some question regarding the mirifica for breast enlargement, acctually i have plan to order it in the future to my next order.

But i would like to ask you, i have done breast surgery for the past 3 years, it is advisable for me if i take that medicine?

Is there any complication in my breast when i take that medicine.. Please advise before i order it.



Monday, June 17, 2013

New feedback about Venus Curcuma comosa tightening pills


Subject: Fxxxxx  (customer name as her subject)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:42:30 -0500

Hello...I placed a order before for the curcuma comosa....I was well pleased with my order i noticed the difference in my troubled area...however I would like to reorder but this time I want to order the combo for $56...the curcuma comosa & breast enhancement pills...I always have trouble with paying thru PayPal so can you jus send me an invoice like before? Thanks!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, June 16, 2013

genuine curcuma comosa vagina tightening herbs

Genuine curcuma comosa vagina tightening herbs

Have you ever wondered why some herbal products you used, did not give any results like many testimonials, many claims on those web sites ??? 

Deal all readers,
Recently I chatted with one customer, who has been used our Regina Pueraria mirifica pills for more than a year now.   
She told me that there's once she came across one web site selling Pueraria mirifica pills and breast cream together with good price. That web sites has many many testimonials for results in a short time....bla bla...... incredible testimonials.  
She had tried that Pueraria mirifica pills for more than 3 months, hoping that she would see some development as claimed on the site.
After 3 months "But nothing nothing happened". This is what she said to me.

The customer did not give up and try again with our Regina Pueraria mirifica breast pills. She could notice the development within the first bottle of use. And now she has been with us for more than a year now.
After chatting with her,
I checked out that web site with curiosity of the ingredients and what the site claimed.
The more I searched and discovered on the net, with other web sites that are selling Pueraria mirifica and Curcuma comosa, it is very shocking for me!!!!
I found out that there are many web sites copying our customers' feedback on our web sites and adjusted the messages to look like that customers used their products and gave feedback. And that those web sites created more and more feedback with their imaginations.  
I could recognise how the way the messages were written and the body of the message and I knew it's from our web site. How embarrassing.....
We will never do that to fool our customers and to get sales. This is Unethical at all.
And I do not understand that why some people could believe and purchase products from those web sites.
Something I would like to  tell here:

* Some websites do not show their original addresses where they are located, that can imply that they just ask someone to source herbs and do packing for them.
·         Who they are? Just selling health products on the internet without knowledge of what they are selling. Then who bares the risk? 
·         Are those who are hired to pack herbs really has knowledge in Thai traditional herbal medicine to formulate?
·         Do they know the real herbs species, not just use any mixed herbs (for cheaper cost) or what people say it's that herbs and pack it?
* Some websites even do not give details about the herbs and the products i.e. images to show color of the herbs, bottle size, quantity and packaging etc.  
* We have been online for almost 10 years now. Although we have many returning customers (more than 85%) who have been with us for many years. Not so many customers gave us feedback, although they still purchase from us regularly. Otherwise we will have hundred pages dedicated for customers' reviews.
* We are from Thailand where English is not our first language. We are unable to create such convincing messages from real experiences like that. Some customers just sent us by themselves because they were excited with the outcome, and we asked from some customers because their results could help many other women who do not want to go for surgery etc. --- and here we are.
* We are located in Thailand where the herbs originally grow. With experience and studying herbs species and their characteristics for many years, we know the real herbs species and where we could find the best herbs with highest active ingredients to do our herbs.
Unfortunately, just copying our herbs information database, FAQ ...... and customers' feedback, adjusting to be their own and generating more and more fake feedback ----- they still can sell herbs products online. ....

Consumers just waste money for "NO results, nothing happens", bear the risks for unknown real species....... what are they consuming?
Just be more careful my dear readers.
God bless you all,

From us who are honest for what we are doing.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A feedback from 60 years old customer who has been used our Venus tightening pills for more  than a year by now. She also uses Regina pueraria mirifica high phytoestrogen pills as well later on.

I hope her feedback helps many women who have the same problems as her. Thank you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: xxxxxxx <>
Date: Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 12:06 AM
Subject: RE: Pueraria mirifica helps stimulate collagen production
To: "" <>

Dear Ivy,

It is all a bit embarrassing but 'Yes, of course' ,  if anonymous you may use my feedback as it may help others.

The Cucuma comosa capsules have helped me so much.  Although my uterus is in the correct place with a ?cystocele I had been having problems passing urine.  I guess because I could not empty my bladder completely I would often have slight bladder infections.  Although I did hundreds of Kegel exercises daily,  I was fighting a loosing battle as the frequency of bladder infections increased.  I want to avoid surgery and the only way I could get relief was to take some old HRT tablets I found in my bottom drawer.  Then I searched on the internet for a natural HRT.    Now I have been taking your Cucuma comosa capsules for about a year and I cannot remember the last time I had a bladder infection.  I still do some Kegal exercises and have cut down to one Cucuma comosa  a day which has proved to be the perfect formula for me. 
Then I discovered your Pueraria mirifica capsules which has given me relief from the discomfort of vaginal dryness I have had since the menopause.   I no longer have to bother with crèmes and my breasts are firmer so I feel like me once again.  Being 60 is not so bad after all!

Thanks again Ivy

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kegel exercises

Benefits of Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises strengthen some of the muscles that control the flow of urine. Doctors often prescribe Kegel exercises for people who have bladder control problems (urinary incontinence).

Kegel exercises are also called pelvic floor exercises because they treat and prevent pelvic floor weakness.1, 2 The pelvic floor is a "hammock" of muscles that hold the pelvic organs in place.

Pelvic Floor Muscles


In women, Kegel exercises are helpful for those who have stress incontinence or uterine prolapse.

During pregnancy and delivery, the pelvic floor can become stretched and weakened, commonly causing urine control problems for months to years after childbirth. A weakened pelvic floor can also allow one or more pelvic organs to sag (uterine prolapse). If you are pregnant, start doing daily Kegels and continue them after having your baby.

In men, Kegel exercises are used to treat stress incontinence and urge incontinence, a need to urinate that is so strong that you cannot reach the toilet in time.

Performing Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises are easy to do and can be done anywhere without anyone knowing.
First, as you are sitting or lying down, try to contract the muscles you would use to stop urinating. You should feel your pelvic muscles squeezing your urethra and anus. If your stomach or buttocks muscles tighten, you are not exercising the right muscles.
When you've found the right way to contract the pelvic muscles, squeeze for 3 seconds and then relax for 3 seconds.
Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times per session. Try to do this at least 3 times a day. Kegel exercises are only effective when done regularly. The more you exercise, the more likely it is that the exercises will help.
Your doctor may want you to try doing your exercises with biofeedback to make sure you are doing them right. Biofeedback allows you to see, feel, or hear when an exercise is being performed correctly.
Further Reading:Pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises for urinary incontinence in women Sex, Exercise, and Stress Incontinence What Are Kegels? Kegel Exercises: Treating Male Urinary Incontinence Kegel Exercises for Pelvic Muscles – Urinary Incontinence Multiple Sclerosis and Bladder Control Problems 8 Ways to Tame Bladder Control Problems 

Source: WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise


You ask about Venus Tightening Pills, We answer (III) 

Q: I know your Curcuma comosa helps in wall prolapse but how about if their wall prolapse is third prolapse which their uterus came out from their vagina not all came out but part or quarter of it. I do not want to see a doctor.
Common factors that may cause a vaginal prolapse includes:

1. Childbirth especially multiple births

2. Menopause: Estrogen is a hormone that helps keep the muscles and tissues of the pelvic support structure strong. After menopause, the estrogen level decreases, meaning that the support structures may weaken.

3. Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus. Without the uterus, the top of the vagina may gradually fall toward the vaginal opening, so-called a vaginal vault prolapse.

I would recommend both Pueraria mirifica herbs with high phytoestrogenic effects which give high natural estrogen (and that not cause cancer) and Curcuma comosa tightening effects,

Our Venus Curcuma comosa formula definitely helps tighten the uterus muscles too. 

Depending on your prolapse conditions, you may take higher dose rather than 4 pills per day - maybe 6-10 pills per day. Curcuma comosa is well known to help tighten the uterus as well, not only the vaginal wall muscles.
Good luck.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You ask about Venus Tightening Pills, We answer (II) 

Q: I am in need of some help, I have a bladder prolapse which is pushing down on my vaginal wall and I have been reading online about Curcuma Comosa but I am getting mixed reviews. 

Some sites say it helps PREVENT a prolapse and some say it HEALS and helps Repair prolapse by tightening and strengthening the saggy vaginal wall. I would appreciate any help in this matter as I am just looking for something that helps to keep me away from surgery. 

Have you known this to help women with prolapse?   

I can tell you that we are the first one who brings this herb with our unique forula and because of your message I just found out that many web sites start to sell this kind of herb and I am not sure if they know exactly the herbs they are selling are the same kind of our herbs. Name in Thai and in scientific are different.

Yes our formula helps heal and repair the vaginal wall prolapse - we have great feedback with regular customers. This help avoid surgery or help improve your situation.  

I do have a prolapse of the bladder too (Cystocele) have u had anyone in the past with this same issue? I am assuming of course it will take more then the one bottle but how long do u think until I can actually tell?

Before purchasing I asked a bunch of questions and was told that many say it lifts so I am just wondering... also maybe I should take more then 2 two times a day?? Please let me know, I want so badly to have this work so I don't have to have surgery to lift ...thank you

(The customer decided to try Venus tightening pills, 
After 2 bottles, below is a message from this customer).

I will if I can afford it in the future maybe get more then 6 at a time. I think I will just put a order in for the 3 bottles because it is all I can afford without taking money for my food/grocery money.  I wish I could afford more but it's tight here right now. Thank you again, I appreciate your help and for listening.
(a following message)  
It looks as if this week is really tight so I will only be able to afford just the one bottle this week (ordering now). ...
As for leaving feedback I have no problem with that, I would love to so it helps other women. Thank you again and I am putting my order in now :)  

Q: Hi, will they still help me even though I last gave birth 20years ago?  
And can I use more then 2tablets in the morning and 2tablets at evening?
Yes, Our Venus (Curcuma comosa tightening pills) still help you no matter how long of your last pregnancy.  

Our unique herbs formula is very very safe - you can take even up to 8-10 pills per day without toxic. But 4 pills a day would already give you tightening effects.    
Q: I have had a hysterectomy and had my cervix also removed due to large fibroids..... Will your Curcuma comosa pills still work to tighten my vagina walls
Yes definitely the Venus - curcuma comosa vaginal tighetning pills will tighten the vaginal wall regardless of the unterus and cervix.  
The results are premanent. If you stop pills, it will not get loose again.    
Venus contains 400 mg per pill which you can take at once and to see the real effects.  

Venus Curcuma comosa tightening pills, formulated by certified Thai herbalist medicine.

You ask about Venus Tightening Pills, We answer (I) 

Q : hi, l am interested in those tightening pills because they are consumed orally and it says results are permanent which is the best thing.l ordered some from another web where l have to insert the pills in my vagina and they gave me yeast infection but thank God l found your after reaching my goal how many capsules are to be consumed as a dietery supplement is it still 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening?? thank you    
Yes that is true why we never want to have topical vaginal products - I am very worried about hygiene. Oral is easy and customers are happy with it, we have many regular customers for Curcuma comosa. At the first few months - yes should be 4 pills per day and later on you can reduce to 2 pills per day to remain the effects.


Q: Hi, after taking this herb for a month, should the vaginal tightening effects be permanent without me having to take this herb forever? Also, will this herb help to restore lubrication? Is this herb safe to take while breastfeeding?  
You need not take this herb forever? The tone of muscles are permanent. It helps you have nice skin too.
Yes this herb help to restore lubrication.
Yes, this herb is safe to take while breastfeeding. You can take after giving birth. NO effects on breast feeding and baby.  

Q: Will my vagina gradually lose all tone I gained through use of these herbs if I continue to have intercourse without taking this product, or will it retain some permanent tone and only stretch to accomodate the penis?  
How many bottles of this product would be necessary for a woman who has just given birth to feel tighter than virgin?    
We all are getting older and that we lose our tone muscles - this is normal and of course intercourse will make it lose. If you stop the herbs will help retyain some permanent tone.
Normally 1-2 bottles, you can feel some improvement as you can read from our customers' feedbacks.  

Q: Hi, I have a problem when having intercourse with my husband, I get too wet and a lot mucuos. Can cucuma comosa help?  
Yes, absolutely. Our Curcuma comosa formula will help tighten the muscles around vaginal wall. Your husband could feel the difference. You can read more feedback from our customers' testimonials.  

Q: Do I have to take Curcuma comosa pills for it to work and if I don't take it, wil my virgina it get back loose?  
The results are premanent. If you stop pills, it will not get loose again.  

Q: I am looking for a herb like this for a long time.I have several female problems the main one is I have had a yeast infection for 6years and here in america they give you creams that do not work,you think it goes away until you meet your husband and it comes back.I also have had several births and I need something for the tightening. Please advise what to do   
Our curcuma comosa herbs formula will not cause yeast infection and even help clear it - all women will feel that genital areas are very much clean actually.
To start up - you have to take 4 pills per day and then after 3 months you can reduce to 2 pills per day or you can stop it - up to you. But mostly our customers continue to take it for a long time because it is good for total female genital system and even help with nice smooth skin.  

Q:  How many bottles do I need to order to start? Secondly, where do I order from I would like to purchase today. Can you tell me how long also it takes to reach USA?   
I recommend you to start with 2 bottles which you should see some improvement.  

You can purchase through Paypal from this page.
Lead time to the US is 2 weeks normally.  
More information about shipping.

Q: Can a person ever just get the herb if they want to drink it in tea form?  
To drink in tea form, the herbs taste are a little harsh then you cannot drink that much. But in a pill form, we can make it concentrated at least 400+ mg per pill which you can take at once and to see the real effects.  

Or you can mix the herbs ingredients with honey and take it.

Venus Curcuma comosa tightening pills in Unique formula


Monday, May 27, 2013

FAQ about Venus Curcuma comosa Tightening pills

Q: How long would a woman need to use your Venus Curcuma comosa herb until a result can be seen?

 A: It depends on how much your vaginal muscles loose. Many cases can be seen within 1-2 bottles, some may take up to 3 months.

Q: Do women need to continue using the Curcuma comosa herbs formula forever? 

A: The tightening results are permanent. Your muscles are strengthen and then it is forever. You can stop the herbs right away without any bad consequence.

If the vaginal muscles become loose because of many intercourses or childbirth then you can get back to use the herbs again.

Another good effects that the herbs formula help your skin to be young and smooth. Many women decide to continue as dietary supplement after satisfaction with the tightening results.

Q: Can we use Venus tightening herbs after the delivery? 

A: Yes. You can use our formula right after the delivery.  Our Curcuma comosa formula does not affect breast milk production. In Thai treditional herbal medicine, the herbs have been long used after childbirth to tighten firmly the uterus (womb) and vaginal muscles to its nonpregnant size.

Q: Does Venus tightening pills tighten the cervix and the upper part of the vagina? 

A: Yes. All muscles in female genital system. Curcuma comosa is a special kind of herb which it has the most effects at female genital system especially vaginal wall muscles and uterus. (Like Pueraria mirifica herb has the most effects on breasts tissues.)

Q: I am in need of some help, I have a bladder prolapse which is pushing down on my vaginal wall and I have been reading online about Curcuma Comosa but 

I am getting mixed reviews. Some sites say it helps PREVENT a prolapse and some say it HEALS and helps Repair prolapse by tightening and 

strengthening the saggy vaginal wall. I would appreciate any help in this matter as I am just looking for something that helps to keep me away from 

surgery. Have you known this to help women with prolapse? 

A: I can tell you that we are the first one who brings this herb with our unique forula and because of your message I just found out that many web sites start to sell this kind of herb and I am not sure if they know exactly the herbs they are selling are the same kind of our herbs. Name in Thai and in scientific are different. 

Yes our formula helps heal and repair the vaginal wall prolapse - we have great feedback with regular customers. This help avoid surgery or help improve your situation.

I do have a prolapse of the bladder too (Cystocele) have u had anyone in the past with this same issue? I am assuming of course it will take more then the one bottle but how long do u think until I can actually tell? 

Before purchasing I asked a bunch of questions and was told that many say it lifts so I am just wondering... also maybe I should take more then 2 two times a day?? Please let me know, I want so badly to have this work so I don't have to have surgery to lift ...thank you

(After 2 bottles, below is a message from this customer.)

I will if I can afford it in the future maybe get more then 6 at a time. I think I will just put a order in for the 3 bottles because it is all I can afford without taking money for my food/grocery money.  I wish I could afford more but it's tight here right now. Thank you again, I appreciate your help and for listening.

a following message

It looks as if this week is really tight so I will only be able to afford just the one bottle this week (ordering now). ...
As for leaving feedback I have no problem with that, I would love to so it helps other women. Thank you again and I am putting my order in now :)

Jamie, U.S.A.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What is Curcuma comosa?

Curcuma comosa, vaginal tightening herb

Curcuma comosa herb in Unique formula, an Alternative choice to vaginal wall repair.

curcuma comosa vagina wall tughtening herb

Curcuma comosa helps repair of vaginal wall prolapse, tightening vaginal muscles, relieve premenstrual syndrome and cramping.

Curcuma comosa Roxb., a herb belonging to Zingiberaceae family. Curcuma comosa is an indigenous herb of Thailand. Curcuma comosa is a special kind of herb which it has the most effects at female genital system especially vaginal wall muscles and uterus. (While Pueraria mirifica herb has the most effects on breasts tissues.) There is some confusion with another herb called Curcuma xanthrorhiza which is originally from Indonesia. Curcuma xanthrorhiza does not have so much effects at female genital system like Curcuma comosa. 

Curcuma comosa has been used for centuries in traditional medicinal herbs for the treatment of female problems such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, easing menstrual pain and cramping. It can be used to help women regain normal menstrual cycles after taking the herbs. It has proven helpful for relieving hot flashes during menopause. Curcuma comosa can reduce Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). And also help suppressed abdominal pain and chronic pelvic disorders. It enables the contractions of the uterus to be more orderly. Curcuma comosa increases the effect of ovarian/testicular hormones. The herb appears to have some estrogenic effect. In Thai herbal medicine, the herb has been used after childbirth to tighten firmly the uterus (womb) and vaginal muscles to its nonpregnant size. Curcuma comosa has been used to treat such conditions as dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), menorrhagia (abnormal menstruation, too much menstruation, menopausal symptoms (especially hot flashes). 

With a powerful effects in tightening and firming muscles, Curcuma comosa herb has been used widely in luxury spa to treat and mask on women breasts and overall body. Curcuma comosa herb can lift up saggy muscles and promote blood circulation at applied area incredibly. 
Curcuma comosa also has some similar effects like estrogen hormone, it helps promote good health and make skin glow naturally. The herb is also recommended for menopause.

Some studies about Curcuma comosa herb 
* Curcuma comosa Roxb.. Thai traditional practitioner has used its rhizome in woman for alleviation of post partum uterine pain, enhancement of uterine involution and for anti-inflammation of the uterus after delivery. (Association of the school of Thai Traditional Medicine 1973).

* Uterotrophic effect of Curcuma comosa
Source: International journal of pharmacognosy   ISSN 0925 1618 1995, vol. 33, no4, pp. 334-338 (13 ref.)
Piyachaturawat P. ; Ercharuporn S. ; Suksamrarn A.
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand

Uterotrophic activities of Curcuma comosa extracts were investigated in rats. The study revealed that Curcuma comosa has the effects in increasing uterine weight and glycogen content of bilaterally ovariectomized immature rats. The responses were dose-dependent. The hexane extract also induced cornification of vaginal epithelium, promote growth and induced keratinization of vaginal mucosa in ovariectomized mature rats. The duration of action and strength of the extract in increasing uterine weight, uterine levels of glycogen, DNA and protein, and inducing of morphological changes were less than those of estradiol. However, when the extract was given prior to, concurrent with, or after estradiol injection, it enhanced the uterine response to estradiol in all cases. These results suggest that the uterotrophic action Curcuma comosa is mediated through weak estrogenic agonistic activity of the plant.

Curcuma comosa extract has been demonstrated to possess uterotrophic effect and estrogenic activity.

* the ethanolic extract from the rhizome markedly reduced uterine contraction induced by oxytocin and some agents (Sawasdipanich, 1994). This is the reason why Curcuma comosa can reduce menstrual pain effectively.

In addition to the mentioned uterotrophic and estrogenic effects, another interesting biological effect of Curcuma comosa rhizome is choleretic activity. Ethyl acetate extract of the rhizome prepared following n-hexane and ethanol extraction has been reported to stimulate bile secretion with increased biliary cholesterol secretion leading to a decrease in plasma cholesterol in normal rats (Piyachaturawat et al.,1996). 

The active compound isolated from the ethyl acetate extract was identified to be phloracetophenone glucoside (Suksamran et al.,1997). Phloracetophenone, aglycone part of the glucoside, has been proven later to be responsible for the choleretic activity: it increases bile flow rate and biliary secretion of bile acid but decreases bile lithogenic index (Piyachaturawat et al.,1998). Recently, the ethyl acetate extract has been shown to effectively reduce plasma triglyceride and cholesterol in diet-induced hypercholesterolaemic hamster (Piyachaturawat, et al.,1999). 

Pure Miracle Herbs formula: Curcuma comosa in combination with many natural essential herbs which all are specially blended for female internal system, with the purpose to tighten and strengthen the muscles of external and visceral  especially the vaginal muscles. Resulting in strengthening vagina muscles and tightening firmly vaginal wall prolapse. Women can feel like being young again, even after several deliveries. It is also a treatment for excessive white and yellow vaginal discharge, Leucorrhoea and also removes bad odour.

Read more:
Venus - Genuine vagina tightening pillsvagina tightening pills

Venus is 100% genuine herb extracts for vaginal tightening, certified by Thai traditional herbal medicine and pharmacy

The herbs ingredients are formulated by Thai traditional herbal medicine. 

The Unique herbs formula are kinds of female herbs that have the most effects at female genital area especially vaginal muscles. All essential herbs which all are specially blended for female internal system, with the purpose to tighten and strengthen the muscles of external and visceral especially the vaginal muscles. Resulting in strengthening vagina muscles and tightening firmly vaginal wall prolapse. Women can feel like being young again, even after several deliveries. 

Venus tightening pills is also a treatment for excessive white and yellow vaginal discharge, leucorrhoea and also removes bad odor.

The herbs formula also help promote good health and make skin glow naturally. It is also recommended for menopause.

Tighten firmly the vaginal wall prolapse. Help clean discharge and bad smell at genital area. Help relieve vaginal dryness, hot flashes,easing menstrual pain and cramping.

It is also suitable for women after childbirth because the herb formula serves to tighten firmly the uterus (womb) to its non pregnant size.

Side effects:
Neither significant side effects, nor apparent toxicity are reported.The herbs are very safe as there has a long story of consumption records among Thai and Asian women for many decades and due to the factthat it is 100% natural herbs.


Do not use in Pregnancy.
Genuine Herb Species, Natural & Organic 

Unique ingredients formulated by Thai Traditional Herbal Medicine who are specialised in feminine herbs, The premium herbs are blended under the knowledge of modern clinical studies and multiple times series of Thai Traditional Medicinal Herbs to ensure great results with the most safety to users. 

* Genuine herbs originally from Thailand, verified by Thai Traditional Herbal Medicine and Pharmacy : Genuine Pueraria mirifica, Genuine Curcuma comosa, Genuine Butea                                                     

Discreet packaging and ship worldwide. Your order will arrive in plain brown packaging and doesn't have the shop name or logo written all over it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Best vagina tightening pills that work

We are always happy that our customers are satisfied with the Venus tightening pills. 

Here is another feedback.


Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 00:53:55 -0700

Subject: RE: Your tracking number

Good morning Ivy,

The pills ARE GREAT. I feel myself tight again, it feels wonderful. My skin is glowing and everybody is asking me what am using, it feels ABSOLUTELY GREAT, i've got my confidence back on.

On taking my last bottle though, so i was wondering how much US dollars can i send through Western Union to send me 3 more bottles to Uganda.

Pliz respond ...

Kind regards,


--- On Tue, 4/2/13, PURE Miracle Herbs <> wrote:

From: PURE Miracle Herbs <>

Subject: RE: Your tracking number
To: "Mxxxx XXXX" <>
Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 6:39 AM

Dear Mxxxxx,

Thank you for your kind message.

Please accept my apology for the delay. I have many queries in inbox amd missed some mails some times.

Yes, the pills in a zip bag are the same --just free gift for you.

Definitely, this formula helps glow your skin as well. In some women, they could feel that the herbs even lift up their face tone.

Hope you response well and fast with the herbs. 

Thanking you.

Best regards, 

Ivy PTing